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HB21 Power Bank
  • HB21 Power Bank
  • HB21 Power Bank
  • HB21 Power Bank
  • HB21 Power Bank
  • HB21 Power Bank
  • HB21 Power Bank
  • HB21 Power Bank
  • HB21 Power Bank

HB21 Power Bank

Double USB with 10000mah power bank HB21



This power bank Suitable for nearly all kinds of mobile phones and digital products which have USB cable connector.

 1.Providing several different charging adaptors. Compatible with almost each kind of mobile phone and digital products with USB function.

2.Charging for i-phone,i-pad,i-pod,MP3,MP4,GPS ,cell phone,blue-t device ,some tablet PC and other digital products.

3.With a precise IC protector to safely avoid over-charging,over-discharging and short circuit.

4.Intelligent single-chip computer controls the power, steady and high efficiency.

5.Long using time, portable size, easy to carry and operate.

6.With torch function, excellent design for the users.

7.The bank supply power for other device

Please connect the USB cable to the outlet of the mobile power bank, the other side of USB cable connect to the enclosed adaptor, then connect to your device. The power bank will charging for your device automatic.

Power indication light will turn on and indicate the information of power remain in the bank, if the power is going to be over, the light will turn off in 5 seconds.

9.Charging for mobile power

Method I: Connecting the USB power adapter and MINI USB interface of the mobile power by a piece of Micro USB cable.


Method II: Connecting the USB interface of PC and the MINI USB interface of the mobile power.



Power indication light will turn on and indicate the percent of power from the bank to the mobile power.

10.Display the power


Easy to know the actual power remained in the bank. Press the control key once, the blue Led light will turn on: Four LED lights all turning on shows there are 75-100% power remain. Three LED lights turning on shows 50-75% power remain. Two LED lights turning on shows 0%-25% power remain. If no LED light on means the power is used up.



Power indication light will turn on and indicate the percent of power from the bank to the mobile power.


10.Display the power

to know the actual power remained in the bank. Press the control key once, the blue Led light will turn on: Four LED lights all turning on shows there are 75-100% power remain. Three LED lights turning on shows 50-75% power remain. Two LED lights turning on shows 0%-25% power remain. If no LED light on means the power is used up.

o the outlet of the mobile power bank, the other side of USB cable connect to the enclosed adaptor, then connect to your device. The power bank will charging for your device automatic.

Power indication light will turn on and indicate the information of power remain in the bank, if the power is going to be over, the light will turn off in 5 seconds.

9.Charging for mobile power


Method I: Connecting the USB power adapter and MINI USB interface of the mobile power by a piece of Micro USB cable.


Method II: Connecting the USB interface of PC and the MINI USB interface of the mobile power.



Power indication light will turn on and indicate the percent of power from the bank to the mobile power.

10.Display the power


Easy to know the actual power remained in the bank. Press the control key once, the blue Led light will turn on: Four LED lights all turning on shows there are 75-100% power remain. Three LED lights turning on shows 50-75% power remain. Two LED lights turning on shows 0%-25% power remain. If no LED light on means the power is used up.

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